Five More DC Heroes Who Would Be Perfect For Arrow

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Elongated Man

Starling City has more than its fair share of mysteries, and who wouldn’t love some help from a stretchable sleuth? Maybe he’s only referred to as the Elongated Man on the internet instead of to his face, but Ralph Dibney would add a welcome balance to the stoic, often brooding Oliver Queen.

Ralph’s stretching powers could be done in a more subtle way on TV than in the comics so the producers wouldn’t have to blow the budget on special effects. He’s also a character that wouldn’t even need a costume per se, as he could easily investigate weirdness and fight criminals in (really elastic) civilian clothes.

It’s also worth mentioning that Ralph’s wife Sue is a great character in her own right, one of the rare fully realized supporting cast members in comics outside of the obvious ones like Batman’s Alfred. Bringing her aboard would provide more opportunities for witty banter, which is something writers should easily be able to appreciate. And while a married couple might not be something The CW usually uses to attract its desired demographic, lord knows the Arrow gang could use an example of what a stable romantic relationship looks like.