10 DC heroes ready to join the live-action Justice League movie
By Jason Hall
6. Green Lantern
We all know that Green Lantern is coming back to the big screen in one way or another. Despite the previous poor performance of the first Green Lantern movie his place in the DC Universe is too important to ignore him. The big question is how soon he will actually appear. Many people think that he will pop up somewhere in the upcoming Justice League film. There have been many different earthlings to wield the ring. Hal Jordan is possibly the most well-known, but my personal favorite is Kyle Rayner.
The creations that he came up with were always more creative and I think his character was always more relatable than the headstrong Hall Jordan. I do think another strong candidate is John Stewart. He is the Green Lantern that fans of the Justice League cartoon would be most familiar with and it would not hurt to add some more diversity to this current team. Previous reports have called the upcoming Green Lantern Corps movie ‘a buddy cop’ film so it’s possible they could redo Hal Jordan and introduce someone like John Stewart at the same time.