Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ranking the 20 greatest superheroes

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14. Doctor Strange

So far, moviegoers have had two glimpses at Doctor Strange: Doctor Strange and a cameo in Thor: Ragnarok. The next one will be in Avengers: Infinity War, with Wong, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, if the trailer was an indication. From there, his adventure will continue.

Stephen Strange acted as somewhat of an anti-hero in his film debut. As a surgeon, he was full of himself, not appreciating his girlfriend and being caught up in his work. That was until a car accident damaged his body, specifically the nerves in his hands. This humbled Benedict Cumberbatch’s character, who went through an arc that saw him become one of the New York Sanctum’s main sorcerers.

There’s potential behind Strange’s character development, something we don’t know how much further it will go. Karl Mordo’s villainous turn set up a foe for Stephen in a potential sequel, something Marvel has not announced (and something that may not happen until Avengers 4 hits theaters). There’s no guarantee it happens, either.

Once we see more Doctor Strange appearances, a better assessment can be made of his character. This will become clearer over the next calendar year, whether he receives more development or takes part in a game-changing event in Infinity War.