Supergirl season 3: Ranking its five best moments
2. Reign defeats Supergirl
When Reign became this season’s villain, we couldn’t wait for her to meet Supergirl. The invincible Worldkiller’s twisted sense of justice quickly made her a target for the Girl of Steel and inevitably led to a showdown between the Kryptonian titans. We had high expectations, but none of us could have expected the absolute spectacle that this moment proved to be.
The show has had trouble establishing major Big Bads in the past, but this single scene solidified Reign as the best villain to ever grace National City. The way she demolished Supergirl in this physical battle was emphatic, brutal and quite frankly, hard to watch. Never had this show (that is usually so inspired by light) ever taken such a dark turn. And the result was a cinematic brawl with outstanding special effects, painfully realistic make-up and a haunting score that helped portray Reign for the apocalyptic warrior that she was.
It was grounded, gritty and possessed real stakes as it genuinely made us worry for Kara’s own safety. The episode had already done a great job setting up Reign as a satanic monster that needed to be stopped, but the battle was simply the exclamation point. It was perhaps the most brutal scene we have ever seen on Supergirl, but it was absolutely necessary to highlight just how dangerous this Kryptonian demon truly was. And what a goosebump-inducing spectacle the final product was.