Captain Marvel: 10 essential Captain Marvel comics to read before her MCU debut

Marvel Studios' CAPTAIN MARVEL..Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Brie Larson)..Photo: Chuck Zlotnick..©Marvel Studios 2019
Marvel Studios' CAPTAIN MARVEL..Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Brie Larson)..Photo: Chuck Zlotnick..©Marvel Studios 2019
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4. Captain Marvel Vol 1: Higher, Further, Faster, More

Two years after rebooting Carol Danvers’ story, Marvel decided to relaunch Captain Marvel once again in a brand new series. Having successfully done it once already, Kelly Sue DeConnick was tasked with bringing the character’s new adventures to life and, as a result, ensured that they remained unique to the fresh story that was being told.

As the In Pursuit Of Flight arc focused on Carol’s attempts to figure out her role as Captain Marvel, those adventures were primarily situated on Earth. In contrast to this, the stories within Captain Marvel Vol 1: Higher, Further, Faster, More see her venture into space to return an alien girl to her home planet. However, after doing so, she ends up joining the fight for the aliens’ rights as she takes part in the revolt against the Galactic Alliance.

The story also features the Guardians of the Galaxy and even sees Carol get involved in humorous altercations with Rocket Raccoon. However, more than that, it highlights Danvers at her best, as she takes a stand and, in doing so, fights for the rights of those who need her support. Moreover, it takes her out of her comfort zone and truly allows her to test herself in her new role as Earth’s Mightiest Hero.

If you’re not thrilled about the idea of starting to grow your Captain Marvel knowledge as far as back as 2012, then this 2014 follow-up may be better suited to you. Not only does it take her story in a new and exciting direction, it reintroduces her relationship with space to modern readers. Furthermore, the title of this collected edition, Higher, Further, Faster, More, was actually used as the tagline on one of the posters and TV spots for the upcoming film. If that’s not a recommendation, we don’t know what is!