MCU: These 10 characters should never be Avengers

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comis
Image Source: Marvel Digital Comis /


Scott Summers is the most important part of the X-Men. He’s their heart, soul, and leader. He’s willing to take the blame and be the bad guy as long as it means the survival of mutantkind. Charles Xavier founded the team, but left a while ago. With this, Cyclops stayed and reinvented the X-Men.

When they were at full strength, he did what he could make the X-Men look like heroes and not outcasts. And when the mutant numbers were dwindling, Cyclops gave them a home in California. He may be a boy scout because of his no killing rule, but even Wolverine respects him. All of this is why Cyclops should never be an Avenger.

Cyclops doesn’t have time to be an Avenger. He’s too busy fighting for mutant equality and defending mutants around the world. Plus, why would he need to be one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes? He’s led the X-Men into winning battles that have saved the universe more times than the general public knows.

Also, Cyclops may not get the respect he deserves on the Avengers. Someone like Hawkeye wouldn’t follow Cyclops’ orders in the field. This could get people killed. We also have to hope that we eventually get the Avengers VS X-Men in a movie.