2. Despot Superman
Comic book: Injustice
Superman has been the epitome of heroes for almost a century. He stands above the rest when it comes to having an infallible sense of right and wrong. It’s a combination of how he was raised, the friends he’s gathered, and other random circumstances. Despite all of his good nature, everyone has a breaking point. Even Superman. Injustice showed the world what it is for this universe’s Man of Steel.
Superman killed his wife and unborn child when Joker used a kryptonite-laced fear-toxin on him. When Lois’ heart stopped beating, it triggered a nuclear bomb to blow up all of Metropolis. Yes, The Joker made Superman kill millions.
When Superman calmed down, he made his way to Joker and immediately killed him. Batman couldn’t do anything but stand there shocked. It was a moment that created a new Superman – one who went from boy scout to despot.
Superman ruled the world with an iron fist. He created a group of Justice League members and villains called the Regime to enforce his law. Along the way they killed people for speaking out on his dictatorship. That included those he considered friends. Shazam, Huntress, and Green Arrow were all killed by Regime. And no dictatorship is complete without foot soldiers. Superman had a group of his own soldiers patrolling the streets. There was “peace” in the world, but at the heavy cost of freedom.