10 X-Men villains Marvel fans should see in the MCU that aren’t Magneto

Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac), the original and most powerful mutant, embarks on a path of global destruction. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.
Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac), the original and most powerful mutant, embarks on a path of global destruction. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.
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8. Sentinels

The Sentinels have been in X-Men movies before, but there weren’t any memorable fights. In the comics, the X-Men have had hard fought wars with Sentinels. Not just the big ones either. They continued to evolve as years went on. This was missing from the previous movies. It also shows a lack of foresight from 20th Century Fox.

Most fans of the X-Men remember Cyclops, Rogue, and Storm fighting the Sentinels in the ’90s animated series, especially when Wolverine took one out on his own. Bringing that kind of action to the movies or a Disney Plus series would be something the fans would love. It’s the classic underdog story. Except the underdogs may be outnumbered, but their powers are greater.

Voice actor: Zachary Quinto

7. Brood

The Brood are like the Xenomorphs. Except they’re more intelligent and dangerous. They go planet to planet trying to turn beings into one of them. There are even realities where they’ve succeeded in conquering the universe. Mimic from the Exiles found this out first hand. In the 616 universe, the X-Men are usually the ones to stop them.

Like a lot of villains in Marvel, the Brood aren’t just antagonists for one group. They just happen to make their first appearance in The Uncanny X-Men No. 155 and continue to come across Marvel’s mutants. They’ve had encounters with Carol Danvers and one of them teamed up with the Hulk during World War Hulk.

Using the Brood in could mean a horror show or movie. Something similar to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The difference would be the amount of terrifying scenes. The Brood are stealthy, creepy, and violent. That makes for the perfect horror creature. It may not be for everyone, but it should happen.

Voice Actor: Laura Bailey