Matching 32 Marvel Cinematic Universe characters with each NFL team
By Mark Lynch
Minnesota Vikings – Thor
Like Thor, the Minnesota Vikings have had their share of down years and heartbreak. Just a few years ago the Vikings were a nose hair away from the Super Bowl. Hopefully, they’ll be worthy soon and make their way to a championship.
Seriously, anyone reading this would’ve been disappointed if the Vikings weren’t Thor. He was worshiped by the vikings and was a big part of their religious history. The Minnesota Vikings are notoriously known as being a physically tough team. The God of Thunder would be proud to be associated with Minnesota’s beloved Vikings.
Like Thor, the Vikings always know how to rise from the ashes. Sure they’ve had some down years, but they’ve also had some amazing seasons as well. And when both are on a roll, it’s not easy to stop them and you definitely don’t want to be in their bath.
Ironically, also like Thor, the Vikings have a friendly nemesis known for sporting the color green and thwarting them with their tricks.