Matching 32 Marvel Cinematic Universe characters with each NFL team
By Mark Lynch
New England Patriots and Thanos
Picking Thanos here was the easiest one on this entire list. The New England Patriots are the villains of the NFL. Since 2002, the Pats have seemingly been an unstoppable team. Tom “Thanos” Brady and Bill “Ebony Maw” Belichick led their team to the top of their division multiple times. Even in defeat, they somehow manage to come back and make their way back to another Super Bowl.
The coming of the Patriots is sort of like the way the Black Order came to Earth. They show up and everyone is scared. How do you defeat them? Even when one of them is hurt (Rob “Black Dwarf” Gronkowski), they still have legions of players (Chitauri) ready to give themselves up for the cause.
Besides the dominance, the Patriots have six Super Bowl rings. When they won their sixth, the memes and videos came out of Brady getting the six Infinity Stones. Like Thanos, it will be a long time before another quarterback is as scary or deadly as Brady. Even with perfect preparation, there’s a slim chance of victory over the team. The Falcons know this firsthand… I guess they too should have aimed for the head.
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