10 best comic book movie sequels ever made, ranked

"Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier"..Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)..Ph: Film Frame..© 2014 Marvel. All Rights Reserved.
"Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier"..Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)..Ph: Film Frame..© 2014 Marvel. All Rights Reserved.
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6. X2: X-Men United

Previous comic book project: X-Men

"“You are a god among insects. Never let anyone tell you different.” – Magneto"

A debate can be made that X2: X-Men United is the best of the X-Men projects. Not only was it a fantastic sequel, it would have been a great standalone movie as well. X2 could have started with Magneto and Xavier talking or the museum scene and the film still would have made sense. However, this was an amazing way to begin the second movie in the franchise.

X2 answered both the important and not so crucial questions within the first 15 minutes of the movie. Iceman and Rogue’s relationships deepened, Wolverine was still looking for answers to his past, and Xavier continued to hope that Magneto would change. After explaining where everyone was in the present, the villains were introduced. Instead of using another mutant, the creative team went with someone deadlier. Humans who want to exterminate mutants.

Williams Stryker had the despicable (yet brilliant) idea of using mutants to kill their own. He captured Charles Xavier and found a way to weaponize his telepathy with the help of his son, Jason. If not for the combined might of The Brotherhood and the X-Men, Stryker would have succeeded – something that has happened often in Marvel Comics. Just like some moments in the comics, Magneto took advantage of an opportunity to kill humans. Thankfully, he was stopped.