5. Thor
The first Thor broke new ground for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After grounded projects like Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and The Incredible Hulk, it was the first project that explored the cosmic side of the MCU. It established Asgard and the supporting characters around Thor, including his brother, Loki.
In the film, Thor has his connection to his Mjolnir severed and gets cast down to Earth to live as a mortal by his father. On Earth, Thor is recovered and helped by Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis. Meanwhile, Loki discovers that he was adopted and is actually the son of Laufey, the King of the Frost Giants.
After Loki confronts him, Odin falls into the Odinsleep, leaving Loki to assume the throne while his father recovers. The Warriors Three journey to Earth to retrieve Thor and end Loki’s rule, but he sends the Destroyer after them, which Thor beats after regaining his powers and Mjolnir.
Thor returns to Asgard, and the two fight, which ends with the Bifrost destroyed and Loki falling into a wormhole. Despite being surpassed in quality by many projects by now, it remains a pretty decent solo origin movie. The film was also a great introduction to Tom Hiddleston and perfectly established the relationship between the two brothers.
Despite not being his most memorable performance as the character, it’s definitely the most dramatic we’ve seen him. There’s one emotionally-charged scene in particular with Anthony Hopkins in which Hiddleston gets to show off his range, and it’s one of the few things that people still reference from the pretty mediocre movie.