6 – Smallpox Deity
Our journey through the Jujutsu Kaisen hall of frights brings us to number 6, the truly unsettling Smallpox Deity. This isn’t your average curse. Born from the profound suffering and dread that once surrounded smallpox, this deity has earned its place in the pantheon of terror. The mere mention of its name is enough to send shivers down your spine.
But what makes the Smallpox Deity particularly petrifying is its infectious touch. One brush against this curse, and you’re in for a world of hurt. It propagates a ghastly curse that echoes the harrowing symptoms of the disease it’s named after. Think fever, painful sores, the works! Yeah, not a curse you want to cross paths with. The Smallpox Deity really drives home the lesson: some things are scarier than fiction.
5 – Eso and Kechizu
Sliding into the number 5 spot, we’re talking about the peculiar duo that left us all with our jaws on the floor, the Death Paintings brothers, Eso and Kechizu. Straddling the chilling line between human and curse, these brothers are the embodiment of “family fright night”. From their unsettling origin story to their unnerving appearances, every aspect of these two is tinged with the uncanny.
But it’s not just their semi-human status that has us quaking in our boots. Oh no, the brothers bring something else to the terror table – their deadly Rot Technique. It’s a one-two punch of terror and power that leaves their opponents, and let’s be honest, us readers too, in a state of awe and fear. They may be fifth on our list, but don’t underestimate the scare factor of these sibling curses!