13. Harry Greene
Harry was easily one of the most infuriating characters in the first season of Heartstopper. Nick’s homophobic friend who made Charlie’s life hell anytime he was around him, fans took an instant dislike to him.
He showed the beginnings of growth in season 2. Now don’t get too excited because he was barely in it, but after a conversation with Isaac, he backed off with his offensive jokes and actually defended Nick and Charlie.
We’ll not hold our breath because he’s still incredibly annoying and comes off as insincere, but maybe growth will look good on Harry in the future. That doesn’t mean Charlie or Nick have to forgive him, though.
12. Stephane Nelson
Now we’re heading out of the just all-around-awful category to the just-awful category. This seems like the perfect place to put Nick’s father, Stephane Nelson.
The man Nick spent most of his Paris trip excited to connect with, Stephane ignored his son’s text messages before eventually agreeing to meet him in a café for all of five minutes. He knew nothing about his son outside of the fact that he liked rugby and visited just twice a year.
Stephane was caught off guard by his son’s coming out, but he was never really paying attention to him in the first place. Perhaps he will follow through on his word and grow. But until then, as Nick said, he’s not a very good dad.