2. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
While hanging out with his Uncle Aaron, Miles gets taken to a subway station, where he gets bitten by a spider. Soon after, Miles starts to notice changes that he’s developing powers similar to Spider-Man. He returns to the subway station to investigate, only to get caught in a battle between Spider-Man and Green Goblin, working for Kingpin to protect the super-collider he built. Before being killed by Kingpin, Spider-Man gives him a device capable of shutting down the collider and stopping Kingpin from ripping a hole in the multiverse.
Miles goes to Aaron’s place only to discover that his uncle is the Prowler, one of Kingpin’s enforcers, leading to a chase with Miles narrowly escaping him. Miles eventually meets Peter B. Parker, an alternate universe version of Peter brought over when the collider exploded, who reluctantly agrees to train him. The duo sneaks into Alchemax to get the components to fix the device, which got destroyed while Miles was testing out his new powers, but they get caught by Doc Ock, also working for Kingpin.
They escape with help from Miles’ new classmate, who reveals herself as Gwen Stacy, another alternate Spider-person. After going to see his Earth’s Aunt May, the trio meets Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, and Penni Parker, other Spider-people who all had the same idea. Kingpin’s men show up at the house, including Aaron, who is shot by Kingpin when he refuses to kill Spider-Man after realizing it’s Miles.
The Spiders manage to escape, but believing he isn’t ready, they tie Miles up and leave him in his dorm. Miles breaks free, getting a suit from May before joining the rest of the spiders at the collider and teaming up against Kingpin’s men to send his new friends home. Miles then faces off against Kingpin by himself, defeating him using the lessons he learned from the various mentors he had throughout the film, including his uncle.
Unlike every previous Spider-Man movie, which focused on Peter Parker, this was the first to be about Miles Morales and his journey to becoming Spider-Man, which helped propel the character further into mainstream popularity. Shamiek Moore as Miles, Jake Johnson as Peter B. Parker, and Hailee Steinfield as Gwen were all pitch-perfect casting choices that the movies wouldn’t have worked without.
The movie is best known for ushering in a new wave of animation that broke from the hyperrealistic 3D style most studios had been using for decades. Instead, it took inspiration directly from the art style of comic books, applying it to the film and crafting a unique look that would influence many animated projects to follow. It was an approach that gave us one of the best pieces of animation of all time and even earned the film an Oscar for Best Animated Feature.