4. Robin Lord Taylor
Robin Lord Taylor may have only been the third actor to portray The Penguin in a live-action film/series, but he had to follow in some pretty incredible footsteps. And yet, he delivered… with ease.
Portraying the character on all five seasons of Fox’s Batman prequel Gotham, the young actor was tasked with giving us a look into the origins of the famous criminal. In doing so, he wasted no time making the role his own.
While the unique writing certainly set him apart from previous adaptations, there was something infectious about the way that Taylor portrayed the character that made it impossible to hate him. Though he was a sympathetic character in the beginning, he quickly became one of the most vile and evil villains on the whole show, and yet we, as viewers, wanted to root for him – he was even, dare we say it, likable.
Over the course of five seasons, Oswald evolved from a subservient, well, servant for Fish Mooney to the King of Gotham, before finally becoming the legendary Penguin that we knew and loved. It was an enticing character journey that was one of the show’s most compelling – and one that was ultimately brought to life by Taylor’s delicious performance.
A new take on a classic tale, Taylor has undoubtedly earned his spot among the greatest Penguins of all time and, given all that have come before him, that is a testament to the strength of his ability as a performer.
There will always be a special place in this writer’s heart for his Oswald… old friend.