Whatever a Spider Can’s fans overwhelmingly want a Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Gwen miniseries!


Last month we ran a poll asking Spider-Fans if they wanted to see a Spider-Man Noir or Spider-Gwen series following the success of the Edge of Spider-Verse miniseries that featured Spider-Man Noir in #1 and Gwen Stacy as Spider-Woman in #2. Spider-Fan’s were asked ‘Do you want to see a Spider-Man Noir or Spider-Gwen solo title?‘ With either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to choose from as answers. Here are the results.

Do you want to see a Spider-Man Noir or Spider-Gwen solo title?

Total Voters: 268

As you can see only 1% of people that voted didn’t want a Spider-Gwen or Spider-Man Noir series with 264 people eagerly anticipating the adventures of Gwen Stacy’s Spider-Woman and her band ‘The Mary Janes’ or post-war Peter Parker skulking around in the shadows as Spider-Man Noir.

The ball’s in your court Marvel. Make the right choice!

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