Comic-Con 2016: 26 Things We Hope To See

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Comic-Con 2016 is upon us. It’s now time to make our list of “presents” we hope to receive for what is essentially “Nerd Christmas in July”!

Another year of excitement for comic book fans … er … actually, it’s become so huge that it encompasses all of pop culture. Nevertheless, it started out as a place for comic book lovers to gather, so we’ll stick with that traditional sense.

Comic-Con 2016 is bigger than ever. With another record-breaking attendance projected to be at 120,000, this will be another eventful year. Warner Bros., DC, Marvel, and every other large and small name in the realms of comics and superheroes will be there vying for some fan attention.

That’s why we at Bam Smack Pow are more excited than ever. So get ready for us to present to you our comic book dreams and superhero wishes. Ranked from exciting to the most exciting (can you tell that we’re fanboys?), we list out 26 Things We Hope to See

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