Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics
1. Storm
Topping off this list is the former Queen of Wakanda and the current holder of T’Challa’s heart; Ororo Monroe, Storm. Their relationship didn’t start in comics until 2005, but their story started when they were teenagers (check out the mini-series Storm from 2006). Storm and T’Challa met while T’Challa was on his walkabout and it was love at first sight. They stayed together during his walkabout, but T’Challa’s need to avenge his father’s death by the hands of Klaw consumed him. This drove a wedge between them and they went their separate ways.
Storm and T’Challa would later reconnect, get married, and go on a lot of fun adventures. The couple went back and forth to America from Wakanda, to Latveria (that ended in a fight Dr. Doom), the moon to meet with the Inhumans, Atlantis to meet Prince Namor, across the universe to fight the Heralds of Galactus and Galactus himself, and alternate realities where they fought zombie heroes with the power of Galactus. When their marriage was annulled, it was a sad day. But even something like that wouldn’t stop the two of them from loving each other.
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Storm would always come back to help T’Challa whenever he needs her. She may have been from another country in Africa and the people of Wakanda may have looked at her as an outsider, but Storm was always there to help her beloved. In the beginning, I felt like their relationship was forced to sell comic books. Now, I look at them as one of the premier relationships in Marvel. Despite everything that they’ve been through with each other, they always find a way to come back together.