Gotham: The evolution of Bruce and Selina’s relationship

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Season Four: The Long Way Back

Selina avoids Bruce for months after their fight. Bruce, in turn, grows angry that she refuses to let him apologize and lashes out she when she checks on him after Alfred’s stabbing. Thus, they reach a new low at the end of season three.

At the beginning of season four, they reconnect and seem destined to get back on track. Unfortunately, Bruce starts withholding information and shutting Selina out, which drives her away. To be fair, he is partially trying to protect her as he pursues the mysterious Ra’s Al-Ghul (Alexander Siddig), who subsequently causes Bruce to spiral out of control.

The next time Selina sees Bruce he is very far from the kid she used to know. Yet, she is still able to see right through his uncaring jerk facade to the pain underneath. It takes a trippy near-death experience to ultimately pull Bruce out of his funk, but Selina is the first person who begins to get through to him as can be seen above.

As the season continues, Bruce and Selina heartwarmingly find their way back to one another. But the renewal of their relationship has devastating, life-altering consequences.