The Evolution of Anissa and Jennifer
Jefferson’s daughters Anissa and Jennifer were completely different. Anissa is an activist who started the show getting arrested during a protest. Meanwhile, Anissa was sneaking out to go clubbing. As the show went on, their characters evolved without changing their core personalities. Anissa still fought for what she thought was right and Jennifer was still doing silly teenager-like things.
However, Jennifer learned to embrace her powers and should continue to improve on what she can do. I fully expect a fight between her and Khalil Payne a.k.a. Painkiller. Also, Anissa learned how to become a superhero. She even helped her father protect his secret identity.
Now that Anissa and Jennifer have gotten over the hump of discovering their powers, it’s time to move on from that. I’m sure Jennifer is going to still have the same issues of being insecure about her powers, but she should be growing to accept them as the show goes on. Now that Jennifer has had more than a few runs as a hero, she shouldn’t be making a lot of the rookie mistakes like running in blind and assuming her powers are always going to save her. Especially after her fight with Syonide.