Review: Spider-Force No. 2 gets even more dangerous

One of the Inheritors in on the hunt for her father, Solus, in Spider-Force No. 2. Pile that on top of the dangers of Earth-3145 and you have the makings of a doom-filled mission.

Spider-Force No. 2 brings us forward in the mission that Kaine Parker was sent on. He has some help, but that isn’t totally the focus in this issue. Instead, they meet John Jameson, who is an astronaut stationed in orbit around the barren and dangerous Earth-3145. The heroes surprise him and it takes some persuading to get him to work with them.

With the events of Spider-Geddon in full swing now, Kaine and his team have to keep Solus away. Verna is making that difficult though by destroying anyone who gets in her way. Kaine’s team isn’t one that particularly meshes well together, but they all understand the importance of the situation.

Priest writes some brutal scenes in this issue and the artistic team does a nice job of bringing those scenes to life. Verna is ruthless and that clearly shows through. However, John gives her a piece of his mind when he finds out that Verna attacked his wife, Annie.

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While there is a sense of urgency in this issue, it still fell flat a bit for me. It’s almost as though they could have sped this story up and made it a one-shot instead of three issues. There’s a lot of time spent where the team is just trying to get through to John. Despite that, this mini-series is pretty crucial to the bigger picture.

Since it left off on a cliff-hanger, I’m hoping that the third and final issue of this mini-series will bring us a satisfying conclusion. Even if we lost some of the heroes, they knew going into this mission that some of them, if not all of them, might not make it out alive. Now we just have to wait and see how it plays out.

Grade: B-