Young Adult Angst Revives Doombot in Runaways No. 22

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Rage against the Machine!

Andres Genolet also continues his terrific feat of making it difficult to miss Kris Anka. He’s hit the ground running with the Runaways and has come up aces. He properly balances the comedic angles with the action, and the emotional heart-wrenches. It’s possible to follow the story even without the dialogue, which is always the trademark of a true sequential artist. From Chase to Karolina to even Doombot, he’s terrific at conveying body language and expression while also delivering smooth lines and cracking designs.

Image by Marvel Comics

Genolet is due to have some help on art, it seems. The last page is drawn by Niko Henrichon, best known for working with Vaughan on Pride Of Baghdad. Thankfully, the shift in art style works within the context of the story. Victor has “uploaded” himself into Doombot to try to restore his friend from within. It’s highly probable that Henrichon will draw most if not all of the next issue, to give Genolet a break. Henrichon is a brilliant artist himself, and it looks like a treat!

Image by Marvel Comics

At a time when low-selling Marvel books are being canceled left and right, Runaways seems assured to at least reach the two year mark with a 24th issue. That’s a rare feat these days. Then again, a much deserved Eisner nomination may have extended its lifespan. Or, Runaways may sell best in arenas outside the weekly direct market — much as it always has. Regardless, the crazy saga of these diverse superpowered kids remains one of the best comics on the market right now. It’s wonderful for readers to see Runaways succeed for a second decade of the 21st century.