The Berlantiverse
My favorite, and one I’ve been using since nearly the debut of Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow, is the Berlantiverse. Greg Berlanti has helped create and develop every DC show currently on The CW, and his love of these characters is apparent. While he and his team have brought these characters to life and told lovely stories with them, he also has never forgotten the past. He pays homage and respect to the source material and gives us fans thrills with fan service. From Linda Carter to Mark Hamill and more, they pay homage and fan service without sacrificing stories.
Pro: With the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths behind us, it may even make more sense than ever to dub these shows the Berlantiverse. With heart, humor, and heroics, every DC show on The CW is now under the same roof, with his other shows lingering in the background. It no longer requires breaching for Kara and Barry to grab some ice cream, and the Pierce family now knows a bigger world of heroes exists!
Con: Berlanti works on more than just these CW shows. While shows like Titans and Doom Patrol may still make sense under the Berlantiverse moniker, there have been instances where people have also thought I’m talking about Riverdale. As Berlanti Productions develops more series, they could be considered part of the Berlantiverse–which wouldn’t be wrong in the technical sense.