2. The Wedding of Black Panther and Storm
Little did we know that T’Challa and Storm have been in love since they were teenagers. Even after they broke up, they both held a special place in the other’s heart. The story leading up to their eventual marriage was as outrageous as you’d expect. First off, Storm didn’t make it easy for T’Challa. And why should she? He broke her heart. She made T’Challa prove he was ready for marriage. Once she realized that T’Challa was the man she wanted to marry, she said yes, and the rest is history.
The adventure of these two getting engaged is only part of the journey. The day of the wedding was exciting. The guests were among the elites in Marvel Universe. The X-Men, Fantastic Four, and many others were in attendance. The biggest surprise may have been Isaiah Bradley. When Wolverine asked who he was, Luke Cage said, “He’s the first me,” meaning he was the first black man to be experimented on and successfully become a hero. A deep moment that may have gone overlooked.
The wedding itself was complete with a beautiful dress for Storm and a trip for T’Challa and Storm to meet the Panther God. This also leads to their post-honeymoon diplomacy tour. They visited a lot of Monarchs including Blackbolt and Namor. There was even a trip to Latveria to speak to Dr. Doom. That particular visit didn’t end well.