Arrow: Every character ranked from worst to best

Arrow -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW
Arrow -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW
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The Flash – Photo: Katie Yu/The CW

16. Barry Allen/The Flash

While Barry Allen might have his own series, he has definitely made an impact on Team Arrow and Oliver Queen. It is clear that these two men are friends, even as Oliver was once Barry’s idol. Now, these two work together often enough that you can’t leave Barry out of the mix when it comes to ranking Arrow characters.

The fact that The Flash was introduced in an episode of Arrow certainly adds to the overall importance of including the character in this list. But the reality is that Barry often feels like the character who helps remind Oliver that there is light in the world. Considering how dark Arrow can feel, even with other characters in the show offering humor and happiness for Oliver, there is something almost innocent about Barry Allen (and that’s saying something when you think about everything Barry has been through).

While we only got to see Barry making appearances on Arrow during crossover events after his initial introduction, every time he shows up it is clear that he has made a difference in Oliver’s life. And if there is one non-Arrow character that Oliver seems to trust implicitly it would have to be Barry.

I wish we had gotten to see more of these two working together as a team because it was always a lot of fun to see them going up against bad guys as a unit. They not only worked well as a duo, but they also seemed to really get each other without needing to speak.