8. Billionaire Boy Wonder
Comic book: Nightwing No. 78
Dick Grayson spent the last few years of his life in hell. He couldn’t remember who he was and did things that he would never do. Among those things was working with the Joker. Thankfully, he got his memory back in time to stop the Joker War. Now that he’s back to normal, Nightwing’s going through the normal motions of protecting Blüdhaven. Normally, he has Bruce Wayne’s money to help fund his operations. Without that, he was wondering where the funding would come from. As quick as he asked, the question was answered: Alfred left him with over a billion dollars.
Why is this important?
There’s no reason any of us should’ve been shocked that Alfred had that much money. Bruce was paying for everything and Alfred doesn’t spend money anyway. Plus, he said the Waynes left him with a lot of their stock as Bruce’s legal guardian. That equated to over a billion dollars. Now, Nightwing doesn’t have to worry about money.
Without having to go to Bruce for anything financially, what will Nightwing do? Sky’s the limit. He can find new ways to protect Blüdhaven without having Bruce micromanaging what he’s doing. He must have things he wanted to try but didn’t. We also have to wonder if anyone else from the Bat-Family will come looking for a loan to help fund their crusades.