8. New God of Lies
Comic book: Thor No. 14
Donald Black and Thor switched places in Thor No. 9. Normally, this is an easy transition. This time though, Blake went crazy while he was in his void. When he returned to Earth, he went after Asgard and anyone who was ever Thor. In the end, Blake was defeated with the combined might of Beta Ray Bill, Doctor Strange, and Thor.
Odin was going to kill Blake until Loki and Thor stepped in. Thor reminded Odin that it wasn’t his place to decide Blake’s fate. Odin isn’t king anymore; Thor is. Undecided on what to do, Thor asked Loki. Loki told his brother he would take care of it. Just don’t ask him what. Loki dubbed Donald Blake the new God of Lies.
Why is this important?
It may not be anytime soon, but Donald Blake will be back. He’s too powerful to remain locked in that prison forever, even with a serpent dripping venom in his eyes. Blake still seems to have the power of a god and he’s crafty. Give it a year and we’ll see Donald Blake trick his way out of being tortured.
If he doesn’t escape, Thor may need him. The Odinson isn’t against getting help from unsavory people. This could be Blake’s redemption or the beginning of another run as one of Thor’s enemies.