Greatest comic book characters – 28. Hal Jordan
First comic book appearance: Showcase No. 22
Hal Jordan is known as the best Green Lantern of all time. Why shouldn’t he be? He’s done things with the Lantern ring that others can’t even dream of. Considering that’s part of what makes his ring work, it makes sense he’d be so good. It’s doubtful that anyone in the Green Lantern Corps has saved the universe as many times as he has.
As much good as he’s done, Hal Jordan can be infuriating. He’s constantly disobeyed orders and sometimes things don’t work out. When you’re charged with keeping the universe safe, being stubborn isn’t a good quality. There was the time he was supposed to train Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz and he barely did that. Like the next character on this list, his faults help make him interesting.
Greatest comic book characters – 27. Professor Charles Xavier
First comic book appearance: The X-Men No. 1
Remember when Professor Xavier was a nice bald guy in a wheelchair? Yeah, neither does this reader. The animated series would lead you to believe he was this honorable mutant leader. Realistically, Kitty Pryde was right. Professor Xavier is a jerk. That part of his personality is what puts him so high on this list.
Xavier isn’t much better than Nick Fury. He’s wiped Wolverine’s mind. Made Cyclops forget he had a brother. Forced the Danger Room to work despite knowing it’s sentient. Sure, it’s helped the X-Men become a better team, but it shows how he’s not much better than Magneto. At least Magento is honest about who he is.