Valkyrie has a weird relationship with Loki. On one hand, she knows that he’s not a good person. On the other, she knows that he was there when Asgard needed him in Thor: Ragnarok. Also, he gave up his life in the hopes of protecting Thor in Avengers: Infinity War. He’s like Sour Patch Kids. First he’s sweet, then, he’s sour. Then, he literally stabs you in the back.
Since Valkyrie is now the ruler of Asgard, it wouldn’t be shocking if she made a cameo. After all, Loki was raised as an Asgardian. However, if she were to appear, her appearance would likely be brief. Maybe Loki will go to her hoping to be protected? Knowing Valkyrie, she’ll decline. The lives of her people will always come first.
Yes, Odin is dead. There’s no reason to think that we’d see him here. That’s probably why we will.
Loki has a heart. Despite causing his father grief for centuries, he cares about him. Knowing that he contributed to Odin’s death is probably still weighing heavy on his heart. Then again, maybe this Loki isn’t even aware of that.
We may not see Odin from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but we could see some version of Odin nonetheless.
It would be a nice twist for Loki to attempt to apologize for all he’s done, only for Odin to refuse to accept it. You’d assume he’d be more understanding, but Odin can be a petty god.