3. Chemistry between Loki and Mobius
One of the absolute best things about the trailers of Loki was the appearance of Owen Wilson and his multiple interactions with Tom Hiddleston. From the brief clips fans had seen before the premiere, it was evident that the two actors would have great chemistry throughout the series.
This was confirmed by the interactions between the pair, as Mobius instantly saved Loki from being reset and the pair would then have their own therapy session together. This involves a showcase of Loki’s MCU story, leading to some great moments and interactions between both characters. Their banter was hilarious, however both characters maintained conversation for their own purposes.
While it will be a reluctant partnership for the pair, with the two likely to argue and have a confrontation or two down the road, their interactions are already resulting in some development for both characters, particularly Loki. And seeing Owen Wilson and Tom Hiddleston constantly bickering and working off each other in each episode is sure to delight fans.
Marvel just needs to make sure Wilson utters just one “wow” to Loki by the end of the series, otherwise this whole partnership will have been for nothing!