7. Erik Killmonger
Despite being a villain, everyone loved Erik Killmonger in Black Panther. Not only was he one of the best parts of the movie, he has found himself listed among the best villains in movie history.
The Killmonger that we saw was smooth, intelligent, and could challenge anyone in a fight. We saw the final product, yes, but Marvel Cinematic Universe fans deserve to see the prep-work.
We have no idea what Erik did after finding his father dead. We know it started his vendetta and that he trained tirelessly to become a killer, but the blanks should be filled in in a prequel. Even his time at M.I.T. would make for an interesting story. While this project wouldn’t necessarily paint him in a good light (he is the villain, after all), it would still be a popular one and it would make a better Disney Plus series than a movie.

6. Star-Lord
Peter Quill was taken from his home planet when he was a child and raised by a group of space pirates that wanted to eat him. This experience had to be terrifying. Before he was abducted, he didn’t know that aliens existed; now he was flying through space with beings that looked, sounded and heaved very differently from him. An adult would have lost their mind, so imagine how a child must have felt.
After coming to terms with his new life (however long that took) what was next? Did Yondu talk Peter into becoming a Ravager or was he given the choice to join the team or be their dinner? What were his first experiences like when he went out on his own? While Quill would be the focal point, there’s another story that goes with it: What was Yondu doing during all this?
Here’s another question this writer hasn’t seen asked? How did Yondu keep Quill away from Ego? Considering who Ego is, Yondu must have had to do all sorts of tricks to keep Quill away from him. And, we know he kept him away because his father was a jack-ass, but it was just a job. What made Yondu risk his life and the trust of his crew to save a kid he didn’t know?