Batman: The Animated Series: 5 underrated episodes to watch on Batman Day

Batman: Caped Crusader. Image courtesy HBO Max, Warner Bros.
Batman: Caped Crusader. Image courtesy HBO Max, Warner Bros. /
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Robin, Harley Quinn, Batman: Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Day
Photo: Batman and Harley Quinn.. Image Courtesy DC Universe, Warner Bros. Productions. /

5. Harley’s Holiday

Episode: Season 3, Episode 6

In this episode, Harley Quinn is released from Arkham Asylum and plans on leaving her former life as a criminal behind her. Too bad a mistake makes her revert back to her old ways. She kidnaps someone, runs away from the law, and causes thousands of dollars in property damage.

The best part of “Harley’s Holiday” is just how fun it is. Harley really tried to go straight but she just couldn’t get out of her own way. It didn’t help that people wouldn’t let her explain herself. Watching Detective Bullock constantly crash trying to stop her was great.

The episode ends with Harley back in Arkham Asylum, but Batman appreciates the effort she put in in trying to reform herself, getting her a gift that she really wanted. He says he knows what it’s like to have a bad day, highlighting that even Batman is more understanding than people think.

4. Baby-Doll

Episode: Season 3, Episode 4

Baby-Doll was a former child star that never looked mature. She always had the appearance of a little girl despite getting older. Unfortunately this stops her from being taken seriously as an actress. As a result, she ends up kidnapping her former costars in an attempt to get revenge. Even though she is a criminal, however, the episode highlights that she never had a chance.

This one will pull on your heart strings. You can’t help but feel bad for Mary Dahl (Baby-Doll). She wanted to be taken seriously as a performer, but nobody would give her the chance to reboot her life. Seeing her cry as she’s shooting the mirrors around her is among the saddest moments of the series. Batman understood this.