Werewolf by Night: The Bad
It wasn’t difficult finding something wrong with Werewolf by Night. You don’t have to look any further than the run time. It’s 54 minutes and that’s including the opening and end-credits. That’s not long enough to tell a story and develop the characters. Something is bound to be sacrificed. In this case, it was the characters.
If you’re a fan of the other Marvel Studios show, you know that it takes a while to build a character. Moon Knight’s Layla is a perfect example. Elsa Bloodstone and Jack Russell’s personalities were already on full display and it worked for the special. However, it would have been nice to see their backstory, too.
What’s really going on with Elsa, her father, and Verussa? There’s definitely more to that story. Especially with all of the anger and sass that Verussa had for her step-daughter. Moreover, Jack Russell’s curse seems to be passed down. He also does his best to keep the animal inside him in check. That means there were some incidents where he didn’t. And let’s not forget Jack’s relationship with Man-Thing. Fans likely want to know what things were like before Ted became the Man-Thing.
Werewolf by Night Grade: A
Werewolf by Night is worth checking out, but leaves questions that could have been answered if it was a mini-series. Definitely worth watching and recommending.
What do you think, readers? Did you enjoy Werewolf by Night? Let us know in the comments below.