2. Michael Gough
Michael Gough took on the mantle of the Caped Crusader’s faithful butler for Tim Burton’s game-changing Batman in 1989, and ended up holding onto it for the three consecutive sequels: Batman Returns, Batman Forever and Batman & Robin.
That didn’t just make him one of the only two actors to appear in all four films in the original Batman franchise, it also made him the Alfred Pennyworth with the most live-action appearances on the big screen – a record which he still holds to this day. And if you flick on any of those four movies, even the reviled final offering, you’ll see why.
There was a serene warmth to his Alfred that we don’t see the character showcase all that often. He portrayed him like an older, wise almost grandfather-like figure in Bruce’s life who had accepted that, even though he was much older, his job as a parent was never over.
In spite of working with three different Batmen (Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer and George Clooney), he was consistent with his approach, making us feel that whichever Bruce he was talking to was indeed the same one as before – and he even managed to drag a strong performance out of Clooney’s Dark Knight in what was undoubtedly Batman & Robin‘s most (or only) touching scene.
Of course, his rapport with Keaton was the strongest, and their kinship, especially in the first film, made for some of Batman‘s finest character work (not-to-mention best moments).
Adding to that, Gough’s Alfred could be sharp at times – a sudden mood change that often highlighted how serious his points were – and there was an elegant air of sarcasm about him that made way for some killer one-liners.
Everything Alfred Pennyworth should be (and so much more), Gough’s portrayal will live on in history for the masterclass in Batman butlery that it is. Now and forever.