12. The Essex House
"“The day of reckoning is here!”-The Headmaster"
Movie: Deadpool 2
The Essex House is the most deplorable group of people in any movie. They abuse kids, justify it under the mask of religion, and constantly tell them they’re evil. This will leave the children scarred for life. Who knows what kind of person they’ll grow up to be.
Sometimes they’re Domino. They don’t take it out on the world and help people in the end. Or they become Rusty. A guy who kills their Headmaster and becomes a killer. That’s only two examples. Imagine all the other children who grew up and became worse than Firefist.
The Essex House could be the worst, but they weren’t the focus of Deadpool 2. They were the focal point of Rusty’s rage, but they didn’t have a lot of screen time. Even when they did, it was usually faceless goons getting beat up and killed. Nevertheless, you can’t take away what they did. Especially their Headmaster (played by Eddie Marsan). He was making it a point to personally tell the mutant kids how bad they were. It was a disgusting thing to witness.
The most disappointing part is the name. Essex House hints towards Mr. Sinister (Nathaniel Essex) coming to a future project. As we’ve all seen, that never happened.