25 most heartbreaking Arrowverse deaths of all-time
16. Nora West-Allen
The time-travelling daughter of Barry and Iris, Nora West-Allen’s time on Season 5 of The Flash was divisive to say the least. On one hand, it was hard not get drawn into Jessica Parker Kennedy’s infectiously optimistic performance as Nora learned what it was like to be a superhero and, on the other, it was infuriating to watch the character make the same mistakes over and over again and consistently learn nothing.
That said, in spite of her arc’s shortcomings (and the shortcomings of Season 5, in general), you’d be hard-pressed to find anybody who didn’t sob their hearts out when she was erased from existence in the season finale.
A character that was more than willing to acknowledge her flaws, she desperately wanted to save her father from the arrival of the Crisis. Unfortunately, that determination created a new timeline which this version of Nora was not part of. And instead of receiving a life-line in becoming like the Reverse-Flash, she decided to bow out gracefully – wrapped in the love and affection of her parents’ arms.
By the time that Nora uttered her last words (“Thank You for everything.”), this writer had completely lost it as everything, from the music to the performances of Parker-Kennedy, Grant Gustin and Candice Patton, made this one of the most emotional moments in Arrowverse history.