5. Tommy Merlyn
Tommy Merlyn was undoubtedly one of the many things that made the first season of Arrow‘s so great, so when the show killed him off in the season finale… well, to say we were heartbroken would be a huge understatement.
Someone who had undergone one of the Arrowverse’s earliest cases of character development, he spent the season determined to cut all ties with his irresponsible playboy past. In the process, he just so happened to find the love of his life in Laurel Lance. Thus, in a way, it was fitting that he went out with the ultimate act of heroism by saving her life during The Undertaking.
Everyone loved Tommy. He was a best friend (and essentially a brother) to Oliver, a loving boyfriend to Laurel, a loyal son to Malcolm and was, in a way, even like a son to Moira. And that doesn’t even cover the millions of fans who just loved watching Colin Donnell bring the big-hearted character to life. So you can imagine how devastated we all were when he died.
Also one of the Arrowverse’s first major deaths, Tommy achieved the redemption that he so desperately fought for and it goes without saying that he deserved a lifetime full of happiness for it.