10. The Governor was The Walking Dead’s strongest villain
The Walking Dead made fans wait a long time before it introduced Negan. It built up to it, taking its time and leaning into the anticipation of seeing the perfectly cast Jeffrey Dean Morgan take on the role. Fans were ready to see the show’s best villain. What neither they nor the show’s creative team realized at the time was that we had already seen its best villain in The Governor.
Introduced as a potential ally in the third season, The Governor was in charge of the Woodbury community, but it soon became clear that he was a malevolent force that could not be trusted. Soon after that, he became a force-to-be-reckoned with. His disturbing behavior when meeting with the show’s core group of survivors instantly conveyed that he was a twisted man who enjoyed his powerful position, and that made him a dangerous threat to everyone.
David Morrisey played the Governor extremely well, delivering a chilling performance. The character was infuriating and terrifying at the same time, being exactly what a compelling villain in the world of The Walking Dead should be. His comeback in season 4 really solidified him as one of the most despicable characters in the whole TWD Universe, and even though he didn’t get the buzz that Negan did, that doesn’t change the fact that he was a superior villain.