Chester P. Runk and Allegra Garcia
Appeared in: The Flash
The Flash‘s final season just wasn’t getting any wins. Two phenomenal episodes aside, it was a bit of a miss for the legendary Arrowverse show, and a large part of that was down to the show’s incessant desire to focus on its newer characters that the audience just didn’t care for (and tell some predictable stories along the way).
No characters suffered from this more than Chester P. Runk and Allegra Garcia. Both were instantly enjoyable additions to The Flash when they first arrived but the more the show focused on them and their romance, the more it suffered (and the more fans got fed up). Their romance added nothing to the plot and yet the show continued to tease us with a will they/won’t they across three seasons. The problem is that people have to care if they will or won’t. In this case, they didn’t.
We’re happy both characters got the happy ending they deserved, but the show invested far too much time and not enough substance into building out “Challegra”. Therefore, when they went through all the predictable relationship beats in the final season, it did nothing but take away screen-time from the show’s primary characters – and that is something that fans understandably couldn’t forgive.
Chester and Allegra could have been awesome additions to Team Flash, but the material was not there.
Verdict: WORST