4. The DCEU Supergirl
Supergirl made her one and only appearance in the DC Extended Universe in The Flash movie, showing up not a moment too soon to save the world from Zod and his army. She was portrayed by Sasha Calle, and the character's existence was explained as being part of another timeline, created when Barry Allen went back in time to save his mother and accidentally wiped the whole Justice League out of existence.
He crosses paths with the Girl of Steel when he, his younger self, and Michael Keaton's Batman break her out of a Russian prison. They were expecting to find Superman, but as the timeline has changed, Kara Zor-El is waiting for them instead.
Supergirl proves to be a force-to-be-reckoned with in battle, taking the fight to Zod and helping Barry and Batman take on all of the Kryptonian warriors. She's never felt power like this because she was never exposed to the yellow sun before, so the scenes in which she basks in the glory of the sunlight, recharged and ready for battle, are absolutely wonderful.
Kara is super-charged with all of her comic book abilities, showcasing her epic levels of flight, resilience, and power in the movie's final act. She hits hard - really hard - which is a nice callback to the character's comic book roots, alluding to how she doesn't hold back in battle. However, the thing that prevents her from ranking higher on this list is that she's only just gotten her powers back as the result of being deprived of sunlight for years. And as she's not quite as battle-ready as her counterparts, that results in her eventual death at the hands of Zod.
Thankfully that timeline was wiped out of existence, but we do wish the DCEU allowed us to spend more time with Supergirl, because her story was just getting started.