Every Batman ranked from weakest to strongest

We've seen many live-action versions of Batman, but which one is the strongest of all?

On the Set of "Batman"
On the Set of "Batman" | Sunset Boulevard/GettyImages
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Zack Snyder's Justice League, DCEU, Batman
Ben Affleck (Batman / Bruce Wayne) in Zack Snyder's Justice League. Photograph by Courtesy of HBO Max

5. Ben Affleck's DCEU Batman

The notion of Ben Affleck's Batman not being at the top spot of this list might seem preposterous to you considering he's the most well-built of all the live-action Batmen thus far, and that would be understandable, but we're going on more variables than just his physical strength.

It's true, though, Affleck's Dark Knight is incredibly strong, which you can see in great detail from the various sequences of Bruce Wayne training and/or working out in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. That strength was then increased in the Mech Batsuit he wore to battle Superman.

Moreover, one of Batfleck's greatest attributes is how he uses that strength along with the skillset he has. A veteran of his craft, he's an expert hand-to-hand combat who isn't afraid to employ a gadget or two to keep enemies separated and distanced. It's really quite something watching him in action, because once he gets going, there is no looking away. All you have to do is watch the iconic warehouse fight in BvS (which really might be the best fight scene in a Batman movie ever).

The only thing that weakens Ben Affleck's Batman is his hubris. He's supposed to be The World's Greatest Detective, but he let his fear and anger cloud his judgement to such an extent that he got fooled by Lex Luthor. That, and the constantly vengeful attitude he boasted in his earlier appearances, made him very un-Batman like. So even though he's physically strong, his weaknesses have almost corrupted him, and that's something he was only beginning to work on when we last saw him.