SDCC 2014: Entertainment Weekly Has A Map To The DC Multiverse

Yes, it’s an actual map. Hopefully everyone in the GPS, turn-by-turn navigation era remembers what those are. Though come to think of it, an app that would give you directions around the DC Multiverse would be pretty cool …

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Anyway, Entertainment Weekly does, indeed, have a map to the DC Multiverse, one put together by Grant Morrison to keep track of what’s where for his Multiversity project that debuts in August. If you head over to the actual EW piece, you’ll see that Morrison, who probably shouldn’t quit writing to do art full-time, sketched the whole thing out first.

What’s awesome is that there are still some of the 52 DC Earths that are a mystery even to Morrison. Should we be concerned about what kinds of dangers lurk in the uncharted dimensions? Or should we just cut Morrison some slack and say that even his legendary creativity shouldn’t be called upon to populate every different alternate Earth?

Morrison’s panel, which should be starting about the time I publish this post, may help clear some of this up.