Outside of the world of comic books, not many people get hyped up over individual issues of monthly titles. But when a comic book company tells store owners ahead of time that a particular issue is going to get heavy mainstream media attention—especially when the heads up comes almost a year ahead of time—you can bet your full long boxes that something big is in the works.
In Marvel’s case, that something involves Wolverine. The publisher has a special deal for retailers on March’s relaunched “Wolverine” #1, allowing them to trade two unsold copies for one “Mortal” variant of September’s “Wolverine” #12. According to numerous news sources, that fall issue will be oversized and of interest to the general public.
Considering the current story in Wolverine’s solo book is called “Killable” and that variant has an ominous sounding name, the easiest guess is that Marvel is planning on actually sending everyone’s favorite Canadian mutant to the great beyond. Comic book death has been done to death in recent years (plus Logan was in hell a few years ago in a different story), but considering Wolverine’s healing factor is a key part of his character, maybe someone has an idea to give it some impact.
Speculation on the internet seems to be leaning toward the unlikelihood of Marvel telegraphing a death so far in advance. So what else could the big newsworthy event be? Drop us a comment below if you’ve got a good guess.
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