Hey there! If you’ve found us, you’re probably wondering two things: what the heck is Bam Smack Pow, and why should I care?
As luck would have it, the answers are related. Bam Smack Pow is the new FanSided site devoted to comic book super heroes. As the network continues to expand its coverage of pop culture, it only seemed natural.
That’s where the second answer comes in. If you’re like me, you’ve no doubt been amazed with the way that super heroes have become an even larger part of the cultural fabric than ever before. I was happy just being able to read about my favorites (Green Lantern and Iron Man, by the way) every month in comics when I was a kid. Seeing them on the big screen, in video games and everywhere else as an adult is more than the younger me could ever have imagined.
Here at Bam Smack Pow, we want to celebrate those larger than life characters wherever they might appear. That means movies, TV, animation, video games, toys, cosplay, you name it. And of course, we won’t slack on coverage of the source material that started it all, comic books.
There are some excellent comic and super hero sites out there already, but we think this one can join their ranks. We thank you for reading, invite you to register and comment on what you like and don’t like, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook as we kick this into high gear.
Ah, but there’s one more important thing…
Bam Smack Pow is looking for writers!
Yep, while we’ve got a couple people coming aboard right away, we need more. If you’ve got a passion for anything related to comics and super heroes, can string sentences together and don’t mind writing for free in exchange for exposure to the FanSided network’s large and ever-growing audience, we want to hear from you. Head to the FanSided application page, make sure you fill “Bam Smack Pow” in the field that asks you what site you’d like to write for, and if we like what we see, we’ll be in touch soon!