Hey, wait a minute. Wasn’t Anna Paquin set to reprise her role as Rogue from earlier “X-Men” flicks?
She sure was, but her one and only scene has been cut from “X-Men: Days of Future Past.” That comes directly from director Bryan Singer, who told Entertainment Weekly that Rogue’s scene (one that also involved Iceman and Magneto) was “extraneous” and was left on the cutting room floor. Singer did say it’s possible the scene could end up as a DVD extra.
By my count, that still leaves about 15 mutants in the movie, so there should be a favorite character for just about any X-fan. And the lineup of females is still strong thanks to Halle Barry’s Storm, Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique and Ellen Page’s Kitty Pryde.
It’s also worth noting that while the movie looks to be following the “Days of Future Past” story from the comics in only the broadest thematic sense, Rogue wasn’t in that one either. Paquin’s profile is much higher now than it was when she first portrayed Rogue, so it’s kind of a bummer, but not enough to kill the anticpation that Singer’s return to directing the “X-Men” will be a good one.
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