The title of this post is the bad news. The good news is that you’re on a site devoted to comic books and super heroes, so you might be one of those hardcore X-Men fans, right?
Aeria Mobile’s “X-Men: Battle of the Atom” game is a free-to-play card battle game that challenges players to build the best possible deck of 10 cards depicting heroes and villains from throughout the 50-year history of the X-Men franchise. If you consider yourself a mutant aficianado, you probably will dig seeing the various alternate world versions of familiar X-Men and enemies alike, as well as the card art which is taken directly from comic book panels and changes as you upgrade the cards.
Missions featuring Wolverine, Iceman, Kitty Pryde, Storm, Beast and Rachel Summers also tell simple but mildly entertaining stories that tie the battles together. And you can team up with other players to battle teams of human opponents or cooperate to take down major foes like Apocalypse when the game is running an event.
The gameplay and non-card graphics leave something to be desired, and the overall feel is something very similar to other card battle games that have come before it (and on smartphones and tablets, there have been more than a few). Still, if you want a way to immerse yourself in X-Men lore while on the go, you could do worse than this free game.
For even more details, check out my full review over on our sister site covering the world of video games,
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