While we wait anxiously for "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" and still ha..."/> While we wait anxiously for "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" and still ha..."/>

Five Villains Who Would Be Cool To See In Thor 3

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Midgard Serpent

Not so much a villain as a force of nature, this gigantic serpent is closely linked to the tale of Ragnarok, the twilight of the Norse gods. Even though the “Thor” movies have established the Asgardians as more sci-fi than religion, it wouldn’t be out of the question for them to have a tale of the end of their civilization—and if Loki has truly usurped Odin’s place on thr throne, he’d be likely to try making it a reality.

The point made about Absorbing Man goes double here: the Midgard Serpent only makes sense if you’re willing to break the bank on special effects. Still, there’s no doubt seeing Thor battle this monster on the big screen would be all kinds of awesome, and a truly fitting final battle if Marvel plans on ending his solo adventures as a trilogy.