By just about any measuring stick, we're living in a golden age for super hero movi..."/> By just about any measuring stick, we're living in a golden age for super hero movi..."/>

Top 10 Songs From Super Hero Movies

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7. “The Arms of Orion” – Prince feat. Sheena Easton – “Batman”

Here’s a little heads up: this isn’t going to be the only time you see the “Batman” soundtrack from 1989 on this list. Unlike the more danceable tracks Prince cooked up for Michael Keaton’s debut as the Dark Knight, this is a futuristic (for the time) ballad. Strangely, I think I heard it more waiting in line for the Batman ride at Six Flags than I ever did on the radio.

It did chart though, advancing to #36 as the last song from this movie to reach the Hot 100. You’ll see another one next time you click the “Next” arrow …