Rumor: Rocksteady to Reveal Their Next Batman Game?

Rumors are flying that we will soon be getting news of another Batman game from Rocksteady. According to an article on Gamestop stores are receiving Batman banners to be put up next week. The writers at Kotaku spoke to an anonymous Gamestop employee who said that besides getting the banner depicted above, the stores have also received a second banner related to Batman, titled Zepplin. While it is possible that these banners are for the new Origins DLC Cold, Cold Heart it seems unlikely as Gamestop does not do much promotion for digital sales.  Kotaku had this to say on the subject:

"It’s been a few years since we last heard from Rocksteady, the British game studio responsible for previous Batman titles Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. The last Arkham game, Origins, was developed by the folks at Warner Bros. Montreal, and we don’t know what Rocksteady is up to at the moment, although clues have pointed toward their next game coming in 2014.So what’s up with this GameStop material? (You can see the new banner above.) For one, there’s the reported press junket—Rocksteady held an event for reporters a few weeks ago with an embargo in March, according to one Dutch journalist. (Kotaku did not attend that event.)We’ve heard from GameStop employees saying this big ol’ Batman banner isn’t to be hung up until the week of March 3. There’s a lot of secrecy revolving around these materials, and GameStops are receiving a poster called “Zeppelin” that’s also linked to Batman, according to an employee who asked not to be named.GameStop’s magazine, Game Informer, typically does their big exclusive cover reveals on the first week of each month, which for March is next week. Last year’s Arkham Origins was revealed on a Game Informer cover."

I really hope that the rumors are right and next week will see the reveal of the next Batman game from Rocksteady. But we will have to wait a week to find out. In the meantime fans start to wonder what kind of game the next title will be. I would like to see a silver age style Batman game myself. I feel that everything that can be done with Arkham has been done, and now it’s time to move on to something else. I’ll keep you informed as more rumors hit and be sure to check back next week when the big reveal happens, or doesn’t.

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